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Fine Arts

Fine Arts at Maple Park

At the middle school level, Fine Arts programming falls under Encore I and Encore II class offerings.

Seventh grade Encore I also includes a wide variety of activities and experiences. All seventh graders are enrolled in two periods of encore classes each day. During Encore I, students may select four classes from General Music, Modern Language (French, German or Spanish), Design & Modeling, Public Speaking and Theater or Visual Arts — offered daily for nine weeks. Or, students may choose from AVID, Band, Choir or Orchestra -- courses that are offered daily for the entire school year.

During Encore II, seventh graders have Physical Education on alternating days with a semester of Health and a semester of Career Connections.

All eighth graders participate in two encore periods each day. One semester is equal to 18 weeks in length. During Encore I, eighth graders may choose two classes in Choir, Communication Technology, Modern Language (French, German or Spanish), Speech and Visual Arts. These courses are offered daily for 18 weeks.

Or, students may choose one of these offerings —AVID; Band; Choir; Orchestra; or French, German or Spanish, each with high school credit. These courses are offered every day for the year.